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De Kunst vom Kriag

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"De Kunst vom Kriag" af Bambusstroafa gschriebm (1972 ba ana Ausgrobung gfundn, losst si afs 2. Joarhundat v. Kr. zruckdatian)

De Kunst vom Kriag is a oids kinesisches Militea-Traktat vom Sun Tzu (bekannt aa ois "Sun Wu" und "Sunzi"). Da Text is in 13 Kapitl und 68 Thesn gliadat und widmet si oin wichtign Aspektn vom Kriag. Es guit ois oans vo de wichtigstn Weake iba Militea-Strategie und -Taktik vo oin Zeitn.[1] Da Einfluss geht oba weit ibas Militea ausse in de Wiatschoft, de Politik, de Kuitua und so weida.

De 13 Kapitln[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]

De Kunst vom Kriag is in 13 Kapitl (oda piān) einteit.

In da Tabejn foigt a Vagleich vo vaschiedanan Ibasetzunga (Auswoi).

Kapitl Lionel Giles (1910) R.L. Wing (1988) Ralph D. Sawyer (1996) Chow-Hou Wee (2003) Boarisch
I Laying Plans The Calculations Initial Estimations Detail Assessment and Planning
(Chinese: 始計,始计)
II Waging War The Challenge Waging War Waging War
(Chinese: 作戰,作战)
III Attack by Stratagem The Plan of Attack Planning Offensives Strategic Attack
(Chinese: 謀攻,谋攻)
IV Tactical Dispositions Positioning Military Disposition Disposition of the Army
(Chinese: 軍形,军形)
V Energy Directing Strategic Military Power Forces
(Chinese: 兵勢,兵势)
Macht und Kraft
VI Weak Points and Strong Illusion and Reality Vacuity and Substance Weaknesses and Strengths
(Chinese: 虛實,虚实)
Steakn und Schwechn
VII Maneuvering Engaging The Force Military Combat Military Maneuvers
(Chinese: 軍爭,军争)
VIII Variation of Tactics The Nine Variations Nine Changes Variations and Adaptability
(Chinese: 九變,九变)
Taktische Variantn
IX The Army on the March Moving The Force Maneuvering the Army Movement and Development of Troops
(Chinese: 行軍,行军)
X Terrain Situational Positioning Configurations of Terrain Terrain
(Chinese: 地形)
XI The Nine Situations The Nine Situations Nine Terrains The Nine Battlegrounds
(Chinese: 九地)
9 Terrainvariantn
XII The Attack by Fire The Fiery Attack Incendiary Attacks Attacking with Fire
(Chinese: 火攻)
XIII The Use of Spies The Use of Intelligence Employing Spies Intelligence and Espionage
(Chinese: 用間,用间)

Literatua[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]

  • Sun Tsu: Über die Kriegskunst, , Karlsruhe, 1989, ISBN 3-88190-038-1 (easchte deitsche Direktibasetzung)
  • Ames, Roger T.: Sun-Tzu The Art of Warfare – Translated with an Introduction and Commentary New York: Ballantine, 1993, ISBN 0-345-36239-X

Im Netz[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]

 Commons: Sun Tzu – Oibum mit Buidl, Videos und Audiodateien

Beleg[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]

  1. Ralph D. Sawyer, The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China. New York: Basic Books. 2007. p. 149.